30 Oct 2012

Tuesday You-and-Yours

you come round again. your image coming round again. you coming round again. notice the distinct, unnerving lack of difference here, the unnerving sameness, the unnerving un-presence of any between. you-and-your-image. and round you go, all of you, distinctly, cut clean within the color ochre. definitely not cut from it, you're cut within it. scored, etched, cut - rather like a mechanical cookie-cutter presses down into dough, and presses down firmly to make the image, but releases before it cuts. this is you. there in the ochre. you and your image. or is it mine? we turn the corner. we come around. we get extended by the coming round, and then affirmed by the coming round. long pale thin flags flutter above us, casting not a shadow; tall walls huddle, casting not a shadow; horizontal planes cascade in the distance and press against our feet. this town feels us at its skin, with the feeling of it at our skin. we come around. we are the walking of the town and its ochre-change. we find ourselves, we find us here, sun through the sun

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