19 Oct 2012

Friday Fun-Gun

Better start this one slow; better start it slowly, let the mouth of the writing filter through slow lines like, here we go now and, now it's time to move to the next line: so I find a gun in the mailbox. Inside one of those, Wow what's this? light-brown padded envelopes. Stuffed tight into the dark-brown mailbox. Takes me 5 minutes to pry it out. I was thinking it was the Nirvana Covers box-set from Subgroup.org, so pulled carefully so as not to besmirch it. And it was snowing hard; and I was standing in my new gold dressing gown and maroon slippers - well I wasn't expecting the delay - but I persevered with my new envelope for 5 minutes, pulling, carefully, in hard snow, like vets pull calfs from laboring arses. Next I know, padded envelope - perfectly - is there on the benchtop, surrounded by breakfast bowls and a coffeepot and cups, all peering in, echoing my own wondering: What's in it? But like I said, it was a gun. Which was loaded

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