19 Jan 2013

a drag across the island here

this and our eyes give way. no - you tell me. and what, waste my time - no fear. alright, no: I admit, there's fear. yes. always has been - so let's start here. ok - but you know I'll blame you if we don't. yes, this fear...: here we go.... fear. I feel it now. me too. we stand close to each another, inside this, we know each other well, we're standing close, and feeling it. I see you breath too; you can hear me look at you. and we're sharing this feeling. and I don't want to; I don't want it here. me too - I'd rather it leave us both. to what? to this; to us. this? us? there is no this or us. oh no, - I don't see it that way. these years have only been this and us, here. no: these years have been weeks; have been days; are becoming minutes. I look behind me and see where they began - not so far. strange - when I look in that direction I see nothing. I hear the strains of an echo that comes from you; came from you, a decade or so ago. decade; a decade you say. from here it is a week. a drag across the island here, a shadow fall. I don't understand

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