28 Sept 2012


no; it's no good. it's gone. [what did he say?] (it's gone I think. gone. yes.) yes: I think it's gone. all those years I had it and now - nothing. [now he's saying nothing.] (nothing?) [yes: doesn't look good. he's looking down.] I find myself looking down now. seems the ground is the place for me now. the future once was the distance, but now it's down there. [he's definitely looking down.] (at what?) [at the ground.] (at the ground?) [yes; just the ground: isn't moving a muscle.] now I've no reason to move at all. I just, stand - ground at my feet's the future now. where else is there to go? (can you hear what he's saying?) [something about where else is there to go.] (oh: shall we show him?

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