21 Mar 2014

We Are Being Forgotten

In Western Australia wild weather and shifting seasons have arrived at the same time as a 'mining boom', with vast, deep holes, some kilometers long, being gouged into the land. Land partly responsible for the weather - providing water for rain; providing heat and cold for temperatures; providing shape to wind and gale - so this wild, season-shifting weather is not surprising. In other words, when there is an unnatural shaping of the land going on - horizonless plains and underground rivers refined into iron ore and shipped overseas - there is created an unnatural shape from which unnatural weather gets produced. Similarly, regarding our own 'world-class wrongdoing': instead of participating in the 'weltgeist', or the natural behavior of the land; instead of being out-and-about amongst it all, we are more and more using computers and phones and machines to participate in the world, sat half-dead at a desk, in the car, in front the TV, resonating but a pulse. And so what we might be giving back into that 'weltgesit' is decreasing: - we are becoming another vast hole gouged into the land by our own non-participation. And just as is happening here in WA - bad weather caused by emptied land - our absence from the weltgeist is leaving room for bad, non-human weather, dubbed El Nino, or Hurricane Katrina or Sandy, or the storms that battered England. And if we extend this notion - of our absence from natural activity creating our own natural opposition - through passive participation in a weltgeist that is mechanized, industrialized, technologized, and globalized..., well, it's no wonder we're creating a global, world-class opening for our own wet and wild wrongdoing, our own dusty demise. Because we're slowly being forgotten.

28 Feb 2014

Inspired by Mark Hall-Patch:

Teamwork Failure: try, plan, study, apply: use a calender, adhere to a strict diet, only use the language of success, (and carry a small compass.) And do this regularly: meditate on a daily basis; contemplate around lunch and dinner, at the beach, away on retreat, and as you masticate your multivitamins. Do all this, as you watch your kids grow, accumulate awards, and serve the unworthy, and your failure is assured - is actually guaranteed. And when it does come, as is the norm, build your house with it. The best of luck.

10 Jan 2014

Inspired by Johannes Kahrs

Made it. ...escaped. All fingers are intact. Even my boots. These clothes too.... 1, 2, 3, 4, 10 fingers...; 1,2 boots. Good. I think I'm here. Can feel ground. Must be ground. Can't see it but it must be. (I won't ask how.) Feels like sand. Without heat. Or cold. No temperature. Good. No breeze or wind either. Good. Just the feel of the ground. Now weight. Now light. I feel the earth seeping back in. Weight and light, but no heat. Good. I survived. I fell and I'm here and I survived. I survived the fall.